The moment an individual hears the word 'Linux', his mind starts thinking about the codes and complexities. Are you also one of these? If yes, then the time has come to bust the myth. Gone are the days when Linux was traditionally used just by the coders and programmers. With the passage of time, it has transformed immensely. Several distributions (distros) available in the market solve the problem of security issues related to the Windows and Mac OS. Furthermore, the developers have left no stone unturned in making it more interactive and user-friendly.
Undoubtedly, more and more people are shifting their interest in Linux. That isn't a problem as many distros are available in the market. The real problem begins when techno-geek sets on a hunt to find the best distros as per his requirements. And, let us not forget that there are thousands of distros available in the technical market. To ease the problem of the techno-buffs, this article has been drafted. It lists down 2019's best distros as per the different categories of the users. Keep scrolling the page to know more.
How to choose an operating system for your computer and how to run it there.
24 Oct 2019
Increase Your Linux Experience 10 Folds with These Distros Sample
About DarkDuck DarkDuck is a person with whole life spent in IT area. It does not mean only Linux, but also SAP systems. Learn more about him here. |
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3 Oct 2019
What You Need To Know About Linux
The first acquaintance with Linux is not always successful. Beginners are scared away by the fact that this operating system has thousands of modifications.
Therefore, it is confusing and inconvenient to use. There is a lot of information available online about both the advantages and disadvantages of Linux. On thematic forums and in communities, supporters and opponents of this OS are continually fighting among themselves. We will try to be impartial and tell you about the most essential facts, dot the i's and find out what is true and what is false.
Therefore, it is confusing and inconvenient to use. There is a lot of information available online about both the advantages and disadvantages of Linux. On thematic forums and in communities, supporters and opponents of this OS are continually fighting among themselves. We will try to be impartial and tell you about the most essential facts, dot the i's and find out what is true and what is false.
About DarkDuck DarkDuck is a person with whole life spent in IT area. It does not mean only Linux, but also SAP systems. Learn more about him here. |
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