23 Aug 2011

Subscribers count hit 200 mark

Seems it was just yesterday...
On April the 21st Feedburner showed me number of subscriber over 100.
4 months passed by. And here it is.
Another milestone has been passed.
Today Feedburner counter hit another round value - 200. To be precise, total number of subscribers now is 206.
Do you want to join ? There is a link to RSS feed on the right. Just below you can subscribe via e-mail.
And, of course, Twitter and Facebook options are still available.
All these subscriptions will cost you nothing. They are FREE!

And to give you another reason to subscribe, I can tell you that I have recently found a operating system which is good enough to replace my existing Mint XFCE when I replace my laptop. To give you some clues, it is based on the same distribution as the first distribution I have ever blogged about. And it has XFCE version.
I will write more in the next few days.
Any ideas what it is? Please put in the comments. The subscriber (it should be e-mail subscriber!) and commenter who guesses correct name of distribution will get special prize.


  1. Would it be the new Linux Mint LXDE distro?

  2. My Guess is ether zenwalk or salix xfce.

  3. My guess is Zenwalk

  4. @Guillermo Garron:
    Thanks! I know that's much of your help, advice support which drove me here...

  5. @Paul Schuster:
    Will you contact me to get your prize? E-mail is in About me section.
