26 Apr 2016

Xubuntu 16.04 - quick screenshot tour

Canonical released the new range of its operating systems last week which includes many members of Ubuntu 16.04 family: Ubuntu itself, Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu GNOME and, of course, Xubuntu.

Of course, you can purchase your own disk with any of these and many other distributions through the Buy Linux CDs site. It is easy and cheap.

Let's have a quick whistle-stop tour through Xubuntu 16.04. A more detailed review is here and a post-installation thoughts are here.

Once you finish the boot sequence, you're greeted with a welcome screen in simple blue colours.

Xubuntu 16.04 welcome screen
If you don't like the default wallpaper, you can change it to any other. Quite a few come with the distribution itself.
Xubuntu 16.04 choice of wallpapers
There are not many applications in the default distributions. The choice if Internet tools is shown on this screenshot.

Xubuntu 16.04 Internet tools
There are some simple tools to work with graphics in Xubuntu 16.04.

Xubuntu 16.04 graphic tools
Two simple games are available out of the box.

Xubuntu 16.04 games

LibreOffice is a fresh representative of productivity tools.

Xubuntu 16.04 productivity tools
Of course, there are some tools for multimedia as well. Just enough to get you started.

Xubuntu 16.04 productivity tools
If you are interested in a more detailed Xubuntu 16.04 review, please stay tuned. It will come soon,

19 Apr 2016

PCLOS 2016.03 KDE: good job

I published an extremely short review of PC Linux OS not so long ago. It was short because I could not connect to my wireless network from the Live run of that Operating System.

At the same time I mentioned that the most recent version of PCLOS was about 1.5 years old - too much even for the rolling release distribution.

I am not sure if that was the driver, but PC Linux OS team made some efforts and now version 2016.03 is available. As it happened many times, it was my customer from Buy Linux CDs site who made me try this new release through testing of the disk for the order.

The ISO image of PC Linux OS 2016.03 KDE 64-bit is just under 1.9 Gb in size. You can download it through torrent or from one of the mirrors.

So, the DVD-disk with PC Linux OS 2016.03 KDE is ready. It is in the drive of my Toshiba Satellite L500-19X laptop. Reboot. Choose to boot from DVD. Let's go!

12 Apr 2016

Users more await for the new Ubuntu than Fedora release

Fedora 24 and Ubuntu 16.04 families are due to release within next month or so.

Just about a month ago the Linux notes from DarkDuck blog started a poll where you could vote which of these two distributions you await more. It is time to give the results of that poll now.

Let me do this without any further delay.

5 Apr 2016

Funny guests

It is quite rare these days, but it still happens.

DarkDuck makes guest posts on other blogs.

The latest one happened on Everyday Linux User's blog, where I wrote an article about the Open Source internet messengers. Welcome to read!

And if you want to believe everything in that article, just remember that it was posted on the 1st of April.

1 Apr 2016

Internet Explorer for Linux is available for download

You won't believe the news, but that finally happened!

Congratulations to all the Linux fans! You have been waiting for that for far too long, but the day has come!

Microsoft released the new version of Internet Explorer, and this time it is specifically for Linux! This time they partnered with Amazon to give you even better experience.


Please meet IE12L!

The abbreviation IE does not require additional explanations, as Internet Explorer is the world's best Internet browser, and 12 is the version number. However, what does L stand for? There were many debates about this.

The most obvious would be L for Linux, pointing it specifically to the operating system we all love and adore.

But there were some other suggestions:

  • L for Love that Microsoft feels to all the Linux fans.
  • L for Long loading time, which can be up to 5 minutes in the best-case scenario.
  • L for Long Support Cycle, meaning you won’t get any updates for more than 2 years.
  • L for Low-Cost, as this isn't the free software, but will rather cost you $9.99 to download.
  • L for Limited edition, as Microsoft will only allow 10 billion installations and no one more.

Maybe you have better suggestions? Please share them below.

PS. Happy Fools' Day